木曜日, 11月 29, 2018

Our new publication articles of early literacy!

This study aimed to explore the pedagogical beliefs held by Japanese early childhood education and care (ECEC) teachers concerning early literacy instruction. 349 ECEC and 45 primary school teachers were asked to complete a two-part questionnaire. The results showed three sub-categories of literacy belief––Direct instruction, Natural development, and Social interaction––and two sub-categories of general pedagogical belief––Adult-centred and Child-centred. These results hold implications regarding how teachers’ individual beliefs influence their various methods of facilitating the early literacy development of young children in ECEC settings beyond differences in educational tradition concerning early literacy.

In this study, we have been inspired by Bronfenbrenner's ecological views of human development and tried to deal with the issues of two contrastive ECEC traditions, i.e. early education and social pedagogy.

If you would be interested in, you can check it for free from https://tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09669760.2018.1547630
alternatively, here.

We are delighted that you would share this paper with your contacts and use it in your teaching and research.

Thanks and best wishes,
Hiroo Matsumoto and Miho M. Tsuneda

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